1. When training for a marathon, there is no next week’s run. There is only today’s run. Knock this one out and worry about tomorrow’s run tomorrow.
2. At the same time, while today’s run may be the most important run, it can’t be the only run that matters. Blow yourself out today and there may not be a tomorrow in your future.
3. In that way, marathon training rewards everyday triumphs while demanding big picture focus. Zoom in on today, zoom out on tomorrow. Do this over and over again throughout your training and you’ll get to the starting line feeling good about yourself.
4. That’s the trick, right? (Well, one of them anyway.) Having the awareness to live in the moment while maintaining a larger perspective is what marathon training is all about. Also: life, happiness, etc. etc.
5. When you think about it, marathon training is really just life training with an emphasis on aerobic conditioning. Just because it sounds trite doesn’t mean it’s not true.