This week: Running hills will make you a better runner. Plus, spring gear essentials.
Few moments are sweeter than cranking up to the top of a hill and sneaking a peek behind you to admire your legwork. Yeah, that’s right, you think to yourself. I just crushed that.
Of course, few moments are tougher than struggling to get up said hill. You might catch yourself looking ahead wondering how in the world you’re ever going to scale this beast. Is this ever going to end?
Even when you’re on top of your climbing game, hills take a lot out of you. They’re punishing, relentless, and flat out uncaring. There’s a reason the most famous hill in running is called “Heartbreak.” It’s at Mile 20 of the Boston Marathon specifically to crush your spirit.
Hills don’t need to be so daunting. With practice and training, you can cut any climb down to size. In fact, making hills a regular part of your running repertoire will increase your strength, power, and yes, even speed, all while revving your aerobic and anaerobic engines.
The famous quote from legendary distance runner Frank Shorter – “Hills are speedwork in disguise” – rings true on a number of levels. More than that, running hills makes you a tougher, stronger, and more confident runner.