This week: Running with colds, the search for a homemade protein bar recipe, and a call for offseason topics.
I’m not in a great frame of mind as I write this because I’d rather be running right now. Alas, I’ve been dealing with a nagging cold that’s kept me on the sidelines the last few days, which is making me grumpy and irritable.
This is a major bummer because we were just beginning to ramp back up after recovering from the 50-miler. Also, the weather has been perfect. The autumn leaves are turning ever more vibrant colors with each passing day, and my brain could really use an hour of outdoor time right now.
Every night I put out my running clothes hoping there’s a chance a good night’s sleep will make me feel better. Every morning I wake up knowing that I still feel like garbage.
As runners, we train ourselves to be stubborn optimists. It’s an admirable trait in many respects because it takes a lot to keep us from our appointed miles. No mere runny nose is getting in our way. While the motivation to power through whatever ails us is strong, perhaps a dose of cautious skepticism would serve us better.
In my case, I’ve been fighting this cold since late last week. It started as a few sniffles, but following a run that may have been a touch too strenuous, I developed a chest cough. It’s more annoying than concerning, but it’s also an obvious sign that I should rest.
On top of that, I also got the latest Covid booster along with a flu shot, which wiped me out for the better part of 36 hours. When you combine those factors, the decision to skip my runs this week was a no-brainer.
While there are a number of guidelines and recommendations to aid your decision-making process, deciding whether or not to run with a cold is based mostly on feel. Sometimes you get it right and sometimes you pay the price for your ambition later. It’s a conundrum.