Pain. We all feel it. Whether it's a familiar dull ache, an acute sensation, or a stitch in the side, physical discomfort is one experience that all runners share in common.
The universality of running pain is worth reiterating because there have been times in my life when I believed the presence of pain offered tangible proof of my failings as a runner. Surely, a good runner wouldn’t feel like this.
Not true!
All runners, from elites to those just starting out, feel pain, soreness, and discomfort. It’s simply a part of the game for everyone who laces up their sneakers. What separates more successful runners is their ability to manage their reaction to pain, which allows them to thrive in uncomfortable situations.
Before getting into specific strategies for managing pain, we should take a moment to differentiate what we mean by pain, soreness, and discomfort since they all appear interchangeable. They’re not. Understanding the differences between those sensations is the first step in increasing your capacity for suffering.
Sounds like fun, right?