It’s another dreary morning. The temperature’s below freezing, the wind’s howling, and everyone’s still sleeping in their warm cozy beds. Well, not everyone. Not you, for example. You’re going for a run. This isn’t something you think about doing. This is something you do.
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor wintry mix will get in the way of your miles. Year after year and season after season, you crank through the muck and train in the mire. The payoff for such dedication is largely intrinsic. You could brag about your toughness, but no one would really care. Nor would they truly understand.
It sounds crazy to some, but running in lousy weather is all part of the process of building resilience. By repeating this cycle of doing, over and over again, the resilient runner gradually rewires their brains to view running in adverse conditions as an opportunity rather than a deterrent. What’s so tough about doing something you enjoy?
Anyone can build resilience. It requires no special talent or even training. In fact, runners can start getting more resilient right now simply by going about their daily business. All resilience really demands from you is intention and your attention.