My training for the 2025 Boston Marathon officially got underway on Monday. Over the next 14 weeks, we’ll be dialing in time, pace, and distance along with caloric and hydration needs until all the elements become so ingrained in my psyche that on race day I’ll be able to turn my brain off and float down Commonwealth Avenue. That’s the goal anyway.
Fourteen weeks isn’t a ton of time to prepare for a marathon, but my aerobic base is years in the making at this point. After successfully training for a marathon last winter, my body seems primed to repeat the effort. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how quickly it bounced back following two months off for a hip injury and another week lost to an illness around the holidays.
In this week’s Shakeout for paid subscribers, we take a closer look at the training schedule along with a training punch list of loose ends and logistics to tie up before the end of the month. Plus, my rules for running on ice. (Rule No. 1: Don’t.)