Oct 27, 2023Liked by Paul Flannery

godspeed on the AT. hi to Brad

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Paul Flannery

It's great being able to do something like that with a close friend. Excited to hear about how it goes!

Wrapped up my Hal Higdon plan today with a light 4-mile run. I just got back from picking up my race packet and it's less than 48 hours till the race! Goal is to break 3:30 (8-min pace), stretch goal is 3:17 (7:30 pace). I've gotten some good intel on the course, and my second 20-miler covered 15 miles of the marathon course, so I'm feeling good about that.

As you've said, the hay is in the barn and it's go time! Taking today off from work and gonna try and get some rest today and tomorrow. We are fostering a dog and that's cut into sleep a bit, but she's super cute so she's worth it :) But gonna spend today and tomorrow mostly on the couch napping here and there and mixing in a little stretching.

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Awesome, man. Go get it!

You've worked so hard to get to this point. Try and enjoy the whole experience. You deserve it.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Paul Flannery

Paul - I’m a Boston area resident (JP!) and have a good friend who loves hiking visiting in a few weeks.

I’m planning to bring him for a little day hike in Blue Hills, any trails you’d suggest for an approachable but rewarding jaunt?

We might also bring my 4 month old daughter…any suggestions in that circumstance that would be easy to navigate / quickly bail if the baby doesn’t cooperate? ( I admit I might be trying to thread the needle a little too much with this one)

Congrats on the unexpected 6:40 splits, sometimes she moves in mysterious ways.

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Hey Sam.

Skyline is a beast, esp with a little one. I love the Gold Triangle loop, approachable from the Trail Side Museum lot or the State Police side. It's a nice mix of easy rolling flat with some rocky technical bits. (Nothing like Skyline in terms of scrambling.)

Also, dig White Triangle on the Houghton Pond side. A bit more rolling with some lovely diversions. If you're feeling frisky, you can do WT to Red Dot off Buck Hill.

And if you just want to take a nice walk, you can always do a loop around Houghton's Pond. Have fun.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Paul Flannery

Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!!!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Paul Flannery

New Jersey just keeps on giving, amirite? From chemical refineries and Senator Bob Menendez to unbelievably rocky terrain.

Do you have a favorite cold-weather hat or ear-warmer? I've got a North Face orange recycled material one that's pretty good but it also really soaks up sweat, soon it'll get too stinky to use if I keep at it.

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Jersey rocks, Gabe. Don't let anyone tell you different.

Good question. The Buff is a great ear warmer, but I do get a little sweaty. I tend to wear my trusty trucker hat for as long as I can stand it and then when it gets cold I switch over to a Smartwool beanie.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Paul Flannery

That does sound like an epic adventure! And sometimes the best ones are with friends.

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An annual event, to be sure. My favorite day of the year, no matter what we end up doing.

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